

Women, Sex, Power, Love, Men, Politics & Narrative Reframing

The Author

WRITER, FORMER ACTRESS, LIBRARIAN, WAITRESS, HOSTESS, coat check girl (@ Studio 54, no less), landlord and local politician (yup, all of those, and not in order of importance, among other occasional occupations), Moj Miller – a.k.a. Prunella Porter – lives in rural upstate New York with … read more

The “First Time” Project

EVERYONE REMEMBERS THEIR FIRST TIME, RIGHT? Loving, traumatic, quick, painful, joyous, funny, violent, drunken, stone cold sober, silly, too young, too old, overdue, in a truck, a car, a field, a motel room, the marriage bed… read more

The Posts

Shiny Crappy People

Shiny Crappy People

The other night I watched the first episodes of a documentary about the Duggar family, made famous on TV thanks to TLC and their own (as the documentary makes clear) greed, venality, and ambition. I couldn’t sleep afterwards, because although it was unsurprising that...

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The Ever-Expanding GOP Field

The Ever-Expanding GOP Field

Is it possible, scientists in the room, to both expand and contract at the same time? I am not a scientist, nor even science adjacent, although I do defer to science and medical professionals when making decisions regarding, say, vaccines, but I digress. The GOP field...

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Another Mistake I Made, Bigly!

Another Mistake I Made, Bigly!

Because I always seek to serve and educated others (well, sometimes), let’s go into another mistake – actually a series of mistakes – that I made from which you too can learn! While I cannot of course keep anyone from making the necessary errors they will and even...

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World on Fire

World on Fire

Today the entire region in which I live was covered in smoke, the sun was red from sun up to sundown, when it was visible, that is, due to the wildfires in Canada. It was hard on my eyes, my nose, and I cannot imagine what it was like for anyone whose respiratory...

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From the Archive: Stable for Now & Uncle Bill

From the Archive: Stable for Now & Uncle Bill

*I keep dreaming about my father, which is a gift, but a challenging one, as I miss him, and wake in a state of longing and sadness, as well as joy for having had him in my life. Like so much of human experience ~ it’s complicated. Father’s Day is almost upon us, and...

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Yesterday I went to a social event. I am exhausted. Trashed. In fact, I had two social events yesterday, one personal and small (4 people), the other public and large - and I am drained. The large vodka sangria I had may...

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The Greatest Dress, Ever!

The Greatest Dress, Ever!

“How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.” ~ Wm. Shakespeare, King Lear My mother once bought me the greatest dress, ever. I was thirteen. This dress was epic, so epic I even wore it once. Once, and only once – because she demanded that I do...

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Dog Day Friday

Dog Day Friday

Diego Lou Miller doesn't like the heat, and neither does his momma, It's wunnderful when you and your BFF share the same innerests and tastes, idn't it? TGIF.

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How We Grew: Vietnam

How We Grew: Vietnam

The Vietnam War was part of the background of my early childhood. Every day the local-ish radio station, WGY in Albany, N.Y. (only ninety miles away!), announced the war dead, and U.S. troop deaths were, without fail, miniscule compared to the number of Viet Cong...

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From the Archive: Kripalu & Date Night

*this archive journal of my dad's last weeks and months is coming to a close, is getting down to days left in his life and the most intense period of caregiving, caregiving that began a decade prior. I wish every caregiver or parent of young children in this country...

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On Living, and Spending the Holidays, Alone

On Living, and Spending the Holidays, Alone

I have lived alone for all of my adult life. Yes, there were times I had roommates, but those times were few and far between, and far lonelier in many ways than actually living alone, as anyone who has had an incompatible roommate or partner can attest. There was one...

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