Quotes and Other Good Words 2 Live By

The Mending Wall

Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun; And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair Where they...

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Burning Women

"The Dalai Lama say that the world will be saved by Western woman. Not any women, perhaps not all women, but Burning Women. Women who have stepped out of silence and into the fullness of their power. Angry women who love the world and her creatures too much to let it...

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Leaves of Grass

Leaves of Grass

*Every once and a while I go back to Leaves of Grass, re-reading it for the umpteenth time, because it is beautiful, and powerful, and profound. It is a song, and a poem, an anthem, a celebration of life. Here is the first stanza...and if you've never read...

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Grudges vs. Affirmations

*I have never killed anyone, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction. - Clarence Darrow The rematch begins again: grudges versus affirmations. This week for the ??th time in my life I have determined that holding anger and resentment toward...

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Diego, Diego, Diego

*Dogs never bite me - just humans. ~ Marilyn Monroe He needs a haircut, don't you agree? He's not easy to catch in a still or semi-still moment for photos, believe me, and cutting his hair is a two-person job.  Diego, it turns out, is a Spanish form of the...

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The Laundry Man

"All this might be an illusion but all the same I cannot question the things I have experienced. Memories belong in this category." ~ Shohei Ooka  Living in New York City, or, I suppose, any large and densely packed metro area, laundry - as in access to washers...

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Odd Job Civic & Self-Improvement Plans

If everyone – every U.S. citizen, I mean - waited on tables for six months, minimum, I think the people in this country would be in a better place, be more grateful, for example. If everyone spent six months or a year working in a nursing home, in a pre-school or...

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The Full Life of a Woman

From Stormy Daniels to E. Jean Carroll to Amanda Zurawski, women are finding a way past a very old trope. BY DAHLIA LITHWICK MAY 01, 2023 *& too good not to share There was a time when the only good female victim was the bleeding one. The high-water mark for...

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