The First Time

The First Time: O.P.

Posting this again, original poster and post (O.P.), urging you to write for the project, or spread the good word and get your friends to do so in your stead... with my deepest gratitude.  The First Time – A letter, brief (?) tale, and request to a few of my...

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The First Time: Lost

*Submitted by anonymous  I casually say, “Who in your friend group has had sex?” “Lost their virginity? Oh. I’m not sure? I don’t think very many, if not any.” I say, “You know the first time hurts.” My niece, “Right, you said that your first time guy hurt.” I...

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The First Time: The 1st Big Oh-oh-ooooh!!

*happy hump day!! The first time I had an orgasm I was twenty-three, and while I may have had other orgasms previously, I suppose, I hadn’t really had all that much sex, let alone great sex, by that point in my life, so who knows? In other words, I wasn’t sure. This...

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The First Time: In the Crosshairs

I am one of those young women who, at the age of sixteen, began to feel that virginity was a burden that needed to be shed. I was tired of reading about sex in all those great paperbacks of the seventies while simultaneously diddling around with my boyfriend while he...

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The First Time: Is That All There Is…

Thank you and major snaps to my first respondent, who sent the following, anonymously re: The First Time:  My first time having sexual intercourse was a letdown. I remember lying there, in my boyfriend’s dorm bed during freshman year of college, thinking what a...

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