From the Archive

From the Archive: Stable for Now & Uncle Bill

From the Archive: Stable for Now & Uncle Bill

*I keep dreaming about my father, which is a gift, but a challenging one, as I miss him, and wake in a state of longing and sadness, as well as joy for having had him in my life. Like so much of human experience ~ it’s complicated. Father’s Day is almost upon us, and...

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From the Archive: Kripalu & Date Night

*this archive journal of my dad's last weeks and months is coming to a close, is getting down to days left in his life and the most intense period of caregiving, caregiving that began a decade prior. I wish every caregiver or parent of young children in this country...

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The First Time: O.P.

Posting this again, original poster and post (O.P.), urging you to write for the project, or spread the good word and get your friends to do so in your stead... with my deepest gratitude.  The First Time – A letter, brief (?) tale, and request to a few of my...

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From the Archive: Thumper

*I wrote this piece in or around 2007, and could write forever on the subject of body, weight, diets and all that jazz - in fact, I think I have, with this being just one iteration of that endless seemingly saga...thanks for reading.  I want a dollar for every leg...

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From the Archive: My Abortions

*The photo above was taken by me @ The Women's March in D.C. in 2017. This essay was originally written in 2011, and has been updated to include the following, post-Dobbs, introduction. And, to reframe – I’ll write more about this at another time – men are 100%...

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From the Archives: The Thing Is & Hospice

*Richard Q. Mueller doing a headstand circa 1970. He might - he just might - have a pipe in his mouth, but from this angle, we can't be sure... April 15, 2010 The Thing Is…. My dad really is one of my favorite people on the planet and the thought of not having his...

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From the Archives: Aroooo & One Day At A Time

*me and my dad, taken sometime during the age of the dinosaurs... April 14, 2010 Arrooooooooooooooo…. Arooooooo, Werewolves of London - the current song that is stuck in my head. Last night when I should've been sleeping, wanted to be sleeping, needed to...

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From the Archive: A Daddy’s Girl & Thoughts on Care-giving

From the Archive: A Daddy’s Girl & Thoughts on Care-giving

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold, you're daddy's little girl, to have and to hold. You're sugar, you're spice, you're everything nice, and you're daddy's little girl! ~ lyrics written by Burke & Gerlach ***but not their exact words, just the ones my...

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From the Archive: Caregiving/Drama Queen

February 4, 2010 Care Giving My dad is home and now instead of wanting to live, period, he wants to live "on his terms", which statement I took to mean (since he removed his oxygen the moment after my sister, the nurse, left his house) that he wants to live...

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